Sunday, February 19, 2012

What We Do In School

Because I am in a years1-2 classroom we do lots of hands on activities. I love it, since it is so my style of teaching and the students love it because its fun. 

Here’s some things that we have done so far.

My mentor teacher loves the arts. The children were taught how to draw faces and were given paper to draw their own self-portraits. Once they had it drawn with pencil they colored it in and outlined it in black or brown. Next, they took some dye and painted over it so there was a nice pretty color as the background. Then they pasted it onto black construction paper. They finished the project off with creating a mosaic boarder with cut out pieces of paper. Aren’t they such artists! Such likeness! 

In the category of the arts we do lots of singing and dancing. Here are some recordings of my classes’ favorites to sing and dance to. Trust me, it’s worth it to listen. They are pretty funny, especially the Bad Hair Day song.

WARNING: These songs tend to get stuck in head very easily. Do not, I repeat, do not listen to them multiple times. 

Bad Hair Day

Jump Forward, Jump Back 

Gosh, little kids are so much fun! 

1 comment:

  1. 1. my class just made collages of their faces. haha. they have been ripping up pieces of colored paper gluing it to a photo of themselves for the past week now. kind of similar to your project.

    2. I like bananas coconuts and grapes.

    3. I miss being in class with you.

    thats all :)
