A lot of things are very different here than in America that I thought
were really weird. Luckily I am finally getting used to things being different. I’ve
been writing them down as they come and compiling a list. Here is what I have
come up with so far.
- Spiders are in every corner.
- Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy. It does not exist
- Driving on the wrong side of the road.
- Having switches on every plug. You have to turn them on before things will work. I still forget to do this.
- Catching the bus every morning.
- Everything is in the metric system. I still don’t’ like this one.
- Getting asked if I'm an American
- Having two buttons on the toilet. (One is a half flush, one is full. Don’t’ ask me why you would only half flush a toilet.)
- Wearing the same clothes over and over.
- Being a day ahead of everyone I know.
- Paying for internet and using it sparingly. I don’t like this one either.
- Wanting every bar of chocolate I see.
- Wishing I had ice cream with me constantly.
- Getting sunburned in five minutes. I never get sunburned back in the states and the sun seems to love me here.
- Benadryl does not exist.
- Constantly feeling wet. Thanks humidity.
- Drying my clothes on a line.
- Not having fabric softener.
- Never knowing where I am.
- Hearing the cool accents all over the place, but everyone asking me about mine.
- Seeing a lot of diversity. The primary school I’m in has 26 different languages! What?
- Taking showers at night. Kirsten and I can’t both take showers in the morning because the shower takes hours to drain.
- The shower takes forever to drain.
- My bed moving drastically whenever I move. (My mattress is basically on a cot.)
- When somebody talks about their "partner" it doesn't mean that they are gay.
- People never wear shoes. It's more of an option.
- Everything is recycled! This is super hard since I have never recycled a day in my life and now its mandatory.
- Rubbing alcohol is almost non existent.
- When crossing the street looking right then left then right again.
- Maori words used in everyday language.
Does the sink drain the opposite way too? I totally relate to the choco thing! When I was in London for my abroad I swear I had to eat a Cadbury crunchy ATLEAST once a day....must be a travelling thing! (;