Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Things I'm Getting Used To

A lot of things are very different here than in America that I thought were really weird. Luckily I am finally getting used to things being different. I’ve been writing them down as they come and compiling a list. Here is what I have come up with so far.
  1. Spiders are in every corner.
  2. Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy. It does not exist
  3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.
  4. Having switches on every plug. You have to turn them on before things will work. I still forget to do this.
  5. Catching the bus every morning.
  6. Everything is in the metric system. I still don’t’ like this one.
  7. Getting asked if I'm an American
  8. Having two buttons on the toilet. (One is a half flush, one is full. Don’t’ ask me why you would only half flush a toilet.)
  9. Wearing the same clothes over and over. 
  10. Being a day ahead of everyone I know. 
  11. Paying for internet and using it sparingly. I don’t like this one either.
  12. Wanting every bar of chocolate I see.
  13. Wishing I had ice cream with me constantly.
  14. Getting sunburned in five minutes. I never get sunburned back in the states and the sun seems to love me here.
  15. Benadryl does not exist. 
  16. Constantly feeling wet. Thanks humidity.
  17. Drying my clothes on a line.
  18. Not having fabric softener.
  19. Never knowing where I am.
  20. Hearing the cool accents all over the place, but everyone asking me about mine.
  21. Seeing a lot of diversity. The primary school I’m in has 26 different languages! What?
  22. Taking showers at night. Kirsten and I can’t both take showers in the morning because the shower takes hours to drain.
  23. The shower takes forever to drain.
  24. My bed moving drastically whenever I move. (My mattress is basically on a cot.)
  25. When somebody talks about their "partner" it doesn't mean that they are gay. 
  26. People never wear shoes. It's more of an option. 
  27. Everything is recycled! This is super hard since I have never recycled a day in my life and now its mandatory. 
  28. Rubbing alcohol is almost non existent. 
  29. When crossing the street looking right then left then right again. 
  30. Maori words used in everyday language. 

1 comment:

  1. Does the sink drain the opposite way too? I totally relate to the choco thing! When I was in London for my abroad I swear I had to eat a Cadbury crunchy ATLEAST once a day....must be a travelling thing! (;
