Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Colwill Likes to Party

Sausage Sizzle 

Colwill is quite the party school. We do all sorts of fun things here. On Wednesday they had a Sausage Sizzle to meet and greet the parents. All of the different families (school teams) were in charge of a station and got to keep the profit of the earnings for their team. My (and Kirsten’s) team, Harakeke Whanua was in charge of the sausage sizzle part, Pohutukawa Whanua was in charge of ice cream (Kirsten W. family) and Kowhai Whanua (Emily’s family) was in charge of the drinks.

Working as the sausage station was quite fun actually. I got to see most of my students and their smiling faces without their uniforms! I’m ashamed to admit it but it was actually kind of hard to recognize them at first glance without their uniforms! It was interesting to see their own sense of style.  I was in charge of the money. I realized that it is tricky to do the math in my head (they didn’t have calculators), give back change, and still be pleasant and hold a conversation is all quite difficult when you aren’t that familiar with their currency!

Once it was all done I went back and got a picture with my classroom! Good ol’ room 14. It is a lovely place to be. While we were over there we found some girls that think Kirsten and I are pretty cool and beg for us to hang out with them at lunch. I’m not exaggerating at all. They ask us all sorts of questions about America, boyfriends, and make us practice our New Zealand accents. Unfortunately we are not very good at their accent, but they are excellent at American accents. 

From left to right: Sara, Me, Riana, Danielle, Kirsten


Our family is studying volcanoes right now in Science. My class sure thought that this was exciting since they haven’t ever done something like this before. Here are some pictures of my little munchkins and their volcanoes!

From left to right: Benjamin, Earl, Mina, Alania 

Front: Jnr, Sarah
Back: PIta, Miracle (Kolio)

Front: Hlune 
From left to right: Ayad, Ashton, Ram

From left to right: Micah, Saphire, Darren, Elissa 

From left to right: Pita, Miracle, Jnr

From left to right: Micah, Darren, Saphire

They have serious muscles. 

From left to right: Earl, Mina

Only these strong men can rip paper. 

From left to right: PIta, Jnr, Miracle (Kolio), Sarah 

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