Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Milford Sound

February 1

Today we went to the most unique place I have ever been: Milford Sound.

The drive into the area was breathtaking. It was especially cool to witness because it was one of the very rare beach fog days so the mountains were partly covered with clouds and then you could see the tips above them. When we were on the water you could see the fog rising off of the water and covering the mountains.

Milford Sound is a world-renowned natural wonder. Nowhere else in Fiordland do the mountains stand so tall, straight out of the sea. Luxuriant rainforest clings to sheer rock walls and waterfalls tumble hundreds of metres to the sea below.

In Maori legend, this landscape was created by Tu Te Raki Whanoa, a godly figure who carved the fiords with a magical tool. Without doubt, Milford Sound (Piopiotahi) is his finest creation. It truly is inspiring.

Milford sound also has hundreds of waterfalls that come from the rain and from the glaciers that rest on the top and sides of the mountains. How cool is that to see the sea, extremely green mountains, and then glaciers on top all in one glance? Outrageously cool.

There is another myth that has floated around. There is one waterfall that is HUGE and has magical powers. The myth says that if you get wet from the waterfall or its mist that you will look younger. 

This is the actual waterfall! Yes, I did get wet! 

1 comment:

  1. R these actually your pictures? They look amazing! I am very jealous (:
