Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Holy Sheep

January 31

If you’re not familiar with Glenorchy, get familiar. Its amazing. Glenorchy is where most of Lord of the Rings was filmed. It is absolutely beautiful. James, our awesome tour guide pointed out all of the major sights (with the help of a handy dandy Lord of the Rings books showing us where everything was). It was incredible. IT made me even more in love with the movies than I already am. We all got so excited when we came to another sight. It’s crazy thinking that I have stood in a legitimate place where a big time movie was filmed. Lucky us.

Yes, this is where an actual Hobbit hole was. It was for the Hobbit movie so they had to remove it so nobody could see it before the movie was released. 

Our handy dandy guide book. 

This is where the digitalized Twin Towers were located. 

Of course, because we are in new Zealand we expected to see a lot of sheep everywhere since there are more sheep than people here. Until today, we had hardly seen any. Naturally we had to jump out of the vans, and take tons of pictures with the sheep. It was a big deal. I’ve decided sheep are really cute and as weird as this sounds their booties with their little nubs as tails are adorable.

Here is what we have observed about the sheep:
  1. They always stare at you.
  2. They don't like big white vans.
  3. They tend to walk in single file lines.
  4. When they run they look like they are waddling. It's really funny. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok...now I see the Lord of the Rings stuff (: I am going backwards (:
