Saturday, as Kirsten and I were running we saw one of her
students. Her student, Riana, yelled out her window, “Miss! You look nice and fitness!”! Let
me tell you, our entire weekend was about fitness.
On Friday we spent the entire day at the beach once again. I’m
really enjoying these relaxing weekends after chaotic weeks, especially the
ones on the beach. Anyways, at the beach it was full of excitement and active
things. Tawharanui beach happened to be my favorite of them all. It was
gorgeous and was a lot more secluded than the rest of the beaches we had been
Since we were at the beach, of course we were going to swim
a lot. I ended up swimming further than I can touch so I ended up treading
water for quite some time until I could swim against the current enough to
We also did a heck of a lot of boogey boarding! I had
forgotten how much I
love boogey boarding. The waves were huge and I had
forgotten how hard it is to get out far enough to catch the good waves to ride
them in. Let me tell you, with the power of the waves it was a work out!
Next we did a lot of walking and climbing. Around the area
there were a lot of rocks that we could climb on getting in touch with our
inner child. There were plenty of rocks to have some A Little Mermaid action
going on. It was pretty cool. There were also caves that we could walk through
that had waves splashing through and smaller caves the tide didn’t cover that
were full of HUGE crabs. I’ll admit it freaked me out a little. It was pretty
Emily was digging holes in the wet sand as the waves came up to stick her feet in. Her hole got pretty big so she became a midget. It just made me laugh so I had to post it. I've never felt so tall before in my life!

This was completely unrelated to fitness, but with the group
we went to dinner and then saw the movie The Vow. For dinner we went to a bar
that had some pretty yummy food for the most part. I got some chicken nuggets
that were absolutely disgusting (they were soggy in the middle. We all know
that they are not supposed to be that way). Then I got some potato wedges that were scrumptious. I was
expecting a little side of them, but it came in a wicker basket with enough to
share between 5 people. A few other girls got them as well so we had more than
enough wedges to go around. The food took us so long to get that we were going
to miss our movie. We were all in need of a chick flick so we wanted to take
our food to go. Of course, the place did not have to go boxes. Girls put their
food in napkins, but I had just gotten my mound of wedges so I couldn’t exactly
do that. I ran back to the van to grab a container that I could put them in.
When I was coming back I saw the girls and James with their heads down walking
quickly because James said it was okay to take the baskets with us. He
apparently told the girls that those baskets are super cheap and they can get
new ones. So yes, we took the baskets that we were probably not supposed to
take. No worries though we made it to the movie! When the movie was over we all
about freaked out cause the ending was…not so great. The movie would have been
relatively okay if it didn’t end the way it did. I’m glad I saw it, but I
wouldn’t ever see it again.
Kirsten and I (along with a few other girls) are going to be
running a 6K in a week! I am not a runner so this is a big deal, a very big deal. We have been
trying to go running often but it is so hard to go running after a long day at
the schools when your exhausted and it’s a sauna outside. Thank goodness for
Saturday mornings! We went for a nice run. When I say nice I really mean hard.
I don’t ‘think there is a single flat area in all of New Zealand. We were
running up hill then down hill, and then repeating that over and over again.
Not exactly pleasant but we did it…most of it. As we were out for our run
that’s when her cute student Riana yelled out the window, “Miss! You look nice and fitness”!
I love that the children here are polite enough to call us Miss.
Then we did some basic abdominal workouts and some
stretching. The stretching was by far my favorite part of the entire thing! So
relaxing and enjoyable, plus this actually felt good.
That night Phyllis was out with her brother so Kirsten and I
made dinner for us. After an intense weekend we made ourselves a delicious
hardy meal. We made some BBQ chicken, creamed corn, green beans with soy sauce,
and rice. Since we are in New Zealand you can’t just have a meal, you must have
dessert. So, for dessert we had some chocolate fondue, sponge cake cut into
cubes, and bananas. MmmMmm good.
Then we invited Kirsten, Emily, and Elyse over for a girls night. We painted fingernails and watched Catch Me If You Can. Emily and Kirsten (my roommate) had never seen it so we had to watch it! Such a good movie.