It's true...I kind of like my class. Well more like LOVE my class.
The staff members are so friendly, the kids are hilarious, and there is something always interesting/weird happening. For example, fights during lunch, kids getting suspended for smoking "cabbage" during morning tea, holes being kicked in the walls of the buildings, and students running from the cops when they skipped school after attendance. Oh and you can't forget Whaea Ray's wild clothing.
But in all seriousness, how can you not love your students when they look like
Mina, Miracle, Ram, Darren and Jnr
*My class with my mentor teacher Azara Khan*
*My class again with Ray, an aid for Benjamin*
Mia and Sarah
Pita and Jnr
Mina and Miracle
Sarah, Ayad and Darren
Or say things like…
“Miss Taylor! We named our caterpillar after you!” –Kapa
“Oh and look! The caterpillar is pooping! Everybody take a look!” –Micah
“Can’t we just tie you up so you can stay with us forever?” –Whole class
Or model like this...
Or sing the New Zealand National Anthem like this...
Or workout like this..
*Ya, he's jumping like a frog.
Or have deep conversations about monsters like this…
“I saw a monster!” –Earl
“You did huh?” –Me
“ Ya!! He is in our classroom, but you can’t see him because he’s invisible. Only I can see him.” –Earl
“ Ya!! He is in our classroom, but you can’t see him because he’s invisible. Only I can see him.” –Earl
“Oh, really? Well, is he here right now?” –Me
“Ya, but he is outside.” –Earl
“Is he blocking the people from coming inside?” –Me
“NO! He just went outside cause, cause he he never goes outside. He doesn’t go outside cause he is allergic to the sun!! It’s raining really hard so, so he can go outside cause there’s no sun outside right now.” –Earl
“Ya, but he is outside.” –Earl
“Is he blocking the people from coming inside?” –Me
“NO! He just went outside cause, cause he he never goes outside. He doesn’t go outside cause he is allergic to the sun!! It’s raining really hard so, so he can go outside cause there’s no sun outside right now.” –Earl
Or tell jokes like this…
“What’s both black and white?”-Earl
“Kung fu panda?”-Ashton
"Anything else?"-Earl
"Nope!" -Ashton
"Nope!" -Ashton
Or constantly sing these silly songs...
5 Fat Sausages
5 fat sausages frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and
one went BAM!
4 fat sausages frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and one went BAM!
3 fat sausages frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and
one went BAM!
2 fat sausages frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and
one went BAM!
1 fat sausage frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and
one went BAM!
No fat sausages frying in a pan, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle and the
pan went BAM!
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Bad Hair Day
Kiwi Kids
Moral of the story is...I love Colwill.
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